Our Mission

Cyber Security Through Empowerment

As a human race we have demonstrated resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. This is why the answer lies in empowering each other.

Your systems are perfectly designed to get the results that you are getting.

Stephen R. Covey

Most companies operate several systems in order to defend themselves from cyber threats. Leading to Billions of dollars are spent every year to combat these threats. Even individuals spend good money to ensure they’re protected when online with anti-virus programs. However human error is still considered one of the largest risks in cyber security.

We believe the solution is to start looking at this as an opportunity more than a risk. People should be treated as part of the solution, not the problem.

Education allows us to make people part of the solution and leverage this opportunity to empower and protect each other in the modern world. Even as new threats emerge and as technology evolves faster than in all of human history.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela

Cyber Security Should be Convenient

There is no doubt in my mind that the key to cyber security is finding the perfect balance of security and convenience.

Peter Harvey

There are many reasons why people have formed and use bad habits. Whether you want to call it negligence, laziness, or stupidity. However, why can’t protecting yourself online be easy.

Most people are good people, however, over time it has become harder to stay protected. Which has become more difficult through both emerging threats and the constantly changing advice.

As things get more difficult we form these bad habits to make it easier on ourselves. It’s time to stop making things more complicated and finding simpler solutions with the greatest effectiveness. The key is to find the perfect balance of security and convenience.

Cyber Ninja for Individuals

How to be a Cyber Ninja, detecting and deterring threats

Cyber Nexus for Companies

Stay connected and secure with Cyber Nexus. So you can focus on the value your company provides.

What is a data breach?

Your online identity truly is one of the most valuable things online, and in previous articles we explored what it is, what it is worth

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